Optional LISFLOOD processes and output


The model description under ‘STANDARD LISFLOOD PROCESSES’ covers the processes that are simulated in a ‘standard’ LISFLOOD run. However, LISFLOOD holds a wide range of additional options of two types: 1) simulate additional features
2) write additional output.

Additional simulation options

Many additional options have been developed to simulate all kind of additional features, such as e.g.:

If you like to use an additional option you have to ‘activate’ it in the LISFLOOD settings file under the ‘lfoptions’ element. Each element under this option section represents a switch with “1” equal to “on”, and “0” to “off”. The table below shows all the currently implemented additional simulation options including their corresponding defaults. You can activate as many options as you want (or none at all) by setting the switch to 1. This way you can tell the model exactly which processes to calculate and which not.

Note that each option generally requires additional items in the settings file. For instance, using the inflow hydrograph option requires an input map and time series, which have to be specified in the settings file. The template settings file that is provided with LISFLOOD always contains file definitions for all optional output maps and time series.

Table: LISFLOOD additional simulation options.

Option Description Default
gridSizeUserDefined Get grid size attributes (length, area) from user-defined maps (instead of using map location attributes directly) 0
simulateReservoirs Simulate retention and hydropower reservoirs (kin. wave only) 0
simulateLakes Simulate unregulated lakes (kin. wave only) 0
simulatePolders Simulate flood protection polders (dyn. wave only) 0
inflow Use inflow hydrographs 0
dynamicWave Perform dynamic wave channel routing 0
simulateWaterLevels Simulate water levels in channel 0
TransLoss Simulate transmission loss 0
SplitRouting Simulate double kinematic wave 0
VarNoSubStepChannel Use variable number of sub step for channel routing 0
wateruse Simulate water use 0

Additional output options

Besides the standard LISFLOOD output (which is discharge and soil moisture), the user has the option to receive all kind of additional output files. The table below lists all currently implemented output options and their corresponding defaults.

In the LISFLOOD settings file the ‘lfoptions’ element gives you additional control over what LISFLOOD is doing. As with the simulation options also the output options are implemented as switches with “1” corrisponding to “on” and “0” to “off”. This way you can tell the model exactly which output files are reported and which ones aren’t. You can activate as many options as you want (or none at all). Remember that each option generally requires additional items in the settings file. For instance, if you want to report discharge maps at each time step, you will first have to specify under which name they will be written. The template settings file that is provided with LISFLOOD always contains file definitions for all optional output maps and time series.

Table: LISFLOOD additional reporting options.

Option Description Default
repDischargeTs Report timeseries of discharge at gauge locations 1
repWaterLevelTs Report timeseries of water level at gauge locations14 0
repStateSites Report timeseries of all intermediate state variables at ‘sites’ 0
repRateSites Report timeseries of all intermediate rate variables at ‘sites’ 0
repMeteoUpsGauges Report timeseries of meteorological input, averaged over contributing area of each gauging station 0
repStateUpsGauges Report timeseries of model state variables, averaged over contributing area of each gauging station 0
repRateUpsGauges Report timeseries of model rate variables, averaged over contributing area of each gauging station 0
repMBTs Report timeseries of absolute cumulative mass balance error 1
repMBMMTs Report timeseries of cumulative mass balance error expressed as mm water slice 1
repDischargeMaps Report maps of discharge (for each time step) 0
repWaterLevelMaps Report maps of water level in channel (for each time step) 0
OUTPUT, MAPS, STATE VARIABLES (all, at selected time steps)    
repStateMaps Report maps of model state variables (as defined by “ReportSteps” variable) 1
repEndMaps Report maps of model state variables (at last time step) 0
repDSLRMaps Report maps of days since last rain (for each time step) 0
repFrostIndexMaps Report maps of frost index (for each time step) 0
repWaterDepthMaps Report maps of depth of water layer on soil surface (for each time step) 0
repSnowCoverMaps Report maps of snow cover (for each time step) 0
repCumInterceptionMaps Report maps of interception storage (for each time step) 0
repTheta1Maps Report maps of soil moisture layer 1(for each time step) 0
repTheta2Maps Report maps of soil moisture layer 2 (for each time step) 0
repUZMaps Report maps of upper zone storage (for each time step) 0
repLZMaps Report maps of lower zone storage (for each time step) 0
repChanCrossSectionMaps Report maps of channel cross-sectional area (for each time step) 0
repPrecipitationMaps Report maps of precipitation (for each time step) 0
repTavgMaps Report maps of average temperature (for each time step) 0
repETRefMaps Report maps of potential reference evapotranspiration (for each time step) 0
repESRefMaps Report maps of potential soil evaporation (for each time step) 0
repEWRefMaps Report maps of potential open water evaporation (for each time step) 0
repRainMaps Report maps of rain (excluding snow!) (for each time step) 0
repSnowMaps Report maps of snow (for each time step) 0
repSnowMeltMaps Report maps of snowmelt (for each time step) 0
repInterceptionMaps Report maps of interception (for each time step) 0
repLeafDrainageMaps Report maps of leaf drainage (for each time step) 0
repTaMaps Report maps of actual transpiration (for each time step) 0
repESActMaps Report maps of actual soil evaporation (for each time step) 0
repEWIntMaps Report maps of actual evaporation of intercepted water (for each time step) 0
repInfiltrationMaps Report maps of infiltration (for each time step) 0
repPrefFlowMaps Report maps of preferential flow (for each time step) 0
repPercolationMaps Report maps of percolation from upper to lower soil layer (for each time step) 0
repSeepSubToGWMaps Report maps of seepage from lower soil layer to ground water (for each time step) 0
repGwPercUZLZMaps Report maps of percolation from upper to lower ground water zone (for each time step) 0
repGwLossMaps Report maps of loss from lower ground water zone (for each time step) 0
repSurfaceRunoffMaps Report maps of surface runoff (for each time step) 0
repUZOutflowMaps Report maps of upper zone outflow (for each time step) 0
repLZOutflowMaps Report maps of lower zone outflow (for each time step) 0
repTotalRunoffMaps Report maps of total runoff (surface + upper + lower zone) (for each time step) 0
repLZAvInflowMap Report computed average inflow rate into lower zone (map, at last time step) 0
repLZAvInflowSites Report computed average inflow rate into lower zone (time series, at points defined on sites map) 0
repLZAvInflowUpsGauges Report computed average inflow rate into lower zone (time series, averaged over upstream area of each gauge location) 0
