LISVAP output

This Table lists all the outputs that can be produced by LISVAP:

Table: LISVAP output.

Name Default prefix Description
TAvgMaps ta Average temperature [°C] (average of tmin and tmax)
ET0Maps et Potential reference evapotranspiration [mm day^-^1]
E0Maps e Potential open water evaporation [mm day^-^1]
ES0Maps es Potential bare-soil soil evaporation [mm day^-^1]
TIME SERIES (averaged over area defined on MaskMap)    
TAvgTS tAvg.tss Average temperature [°C]
ET0TS et0.tss Potential reference evapotranspiration [mm day^-^1]
E0TS e0.tss Potential open water evaporation [mm day^-^1]
ES0TS es0.tss Potential bare-soil soil evaporation [mm day^-^1]

Note that reporting of these map stacks can be switched on or off by the user adding/changing options in the LISVAP settings file.