The LISVAP settings file


In LISVAP, all the file and parameter specifications are defined in a XML settings file. The purpose of the settings file is to link variables and parameters in the model to in- and output files (maps, time series) and numerical values. In addition, the settings file can be used to specify several options.

It’s convenient to download the XML template that comes with source code and start from there rather than writing the settings file completely from scratch.

In order to use the example, you should make sure that the following requirements are met:

  • All input maps are named according to default file names
  • All base maps are in one directory or in its subfolders
  • All meteo input is in one directory or in its subfolders
  • An (empty) directory where all output data can be written exists

If this is all true, the settings file can be prepared very quickly by editing the items in the lfuser element. This page presents a detailed description of the different sections of the ‘lfuser’ element.

The ‘lfuser’ section starts with a number of constants that are related to the simulation period and the time interval used.


      <textvar name="CalendarDayStart" value="01/01/1981 00:00">
        Calendar day of 1st day in model run

      <textvar name="DtSec" value="86400">
        time step [seconds] ALWAYS USE 86400 for daily,
        43200 for 12hourly, 21600 for 6hourly and 3600 for hourly!!

      <textvar name="StepStart" value="01/01/1981 00:00">
            Date of first time step in simulation

      <textvar name="StepEnd" value="15/01/1981 00:00">
            Date of last time step

      <textvar name="ReportSteps" value="1..15">

<!-- ... other settings ....-->

  • CalendarDayStart is the calendar day of the first time step in the model run; format is DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm
  • DtSec is the simulation time interval in seconds. It has a value of 86400 for a daily time interval. Since v1.3.0 can be used for other sub daily time intervals like: 43200 for 12hourly, 21600 for 6hourly and 3600 for hourly. Some of the simplifying assumptions made in LISVAP related to the radiation balance are not valid at time steps smaller than days. Therefore, it is advised to use LISVAP for daily time intervals only (i.e. DtSec should always be 86400)
  • StepStart Date of first time step of the simulation; format is DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm
  • StepEnd Date of the last time step of the simulation; format is DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm
  • ReportSteps Interval of steps to be reported in output maps and tss; format is a..b, with a,b >= 1 and a, b integers.

File paths

Here you can specify paths of all in- and output.


        FILE PATHS

    <textvar name="PathOut" value="/DATA/lisvap/output">
            Output path

    <textvar name="PathBaseMapsIn" value="$(ProjectPath)/basemaps">
            Path to input base maps

    <textvar name="PathMeteoIn" value="/DATA/lisvap/input">
            Path to input raw meteo maps
  • PathOut is the path where all output is written
  • PathBaseMapsIn is the path where all input base maps are located
  • PathMeteoIn is the path where all the meteo input data are stored.

Note: To refer to the folder where LISVAP project is running, you may use $(ProjectPath), or its alias $(ProjectDir).

Prefixes of input/output meteorological variables

Each variable is read as a stack of maps. Name of each map is made up of its prefix followed by .nc extension.

Define in this section prefixes for all the meteorological input variables you would like let LISVAP run with. The prefix configuration of the meteorological input variables for the EFAS dataset is shown below as an example.

    <textvar name="PrefixTMax" value="tx">
        prefix maximum temperature maps
    <textvar name="PrefixTMin" value="tn">
        prefix minimum temperature maps
    <textvar name="PrefixEAct" value="pd">
        prefix vapour pressure maps
    <textvar name="PrefixWind" value="ws">
        prefix wind speed maps
    <textvar name="PrefixRgd" value="rg">
        prefix incoming solar radiation maps
  • PrefixTMax prefix of the maximum temperature maps
  • PrefixTMin prefix of the minimum temperature maps
  • PrefixEAct prefix of the actual vapour pressure maps
  • PrefixWind prefix of the wind speed maps
  • PrefixRgd prefix of the incoming solar radiation maps

Here you can define the prefix that is used for each meteorological output variable.

    <textvar name="PrefixTAvg" value="ta">
        prefix average temperature maps
    <textvar name="PrefixE0" value="e">
        prefix E0 maps
    <textvar name="PrefixES0" value="es">
        prefix ES0 maps
    <textvar name="PrefixET0" value="et">
        prefix ET0 maps
  • PrefixTAvg prefix of the average temperature maps
  • PrefixE0 prefix of the potential open-water evaporation maps ($EW0$)
  • PrefixES0 prefix of the potential bare-soil evaporation maps ($ES0$)
  • PrefixET0 prefix of the potential (reference) evapotranspiration maps ($ET0$)


There are constants you define in settings file. Some of them may have different values from defaults, depending of region under simulation. In case they are constant but not uniform for the region you are examinating, you can use a netCDF map to define it. Just use the path to the map instead of a numeric value.

Current list of constant and their default values are reported in the following table:

Table: LISVAP constants.

Name Description Default
AvSolarConst Average solar radiation at top atmosphere [J/m2/s] (I.E.A. 1978) 1370
StefBolt Stefan-Boltzmann constant [J/m2/K4/day] 4.903E-3
Press0 Atmosheric pressure at sea level [mbar] 1013
PD Correction constant in daylength formula [degrees] -2.65
AlbedoSoil Albedo of bare soil surface (Supit et. al.) 0.15
AlbedoWater Albedo of water surface (Supit et. al.) 0.05
AlbedoCanopy Albedo of vegetation canopy (FAO,1998) 0.23
FactorSoil Estimated value for surface roughness factor of bare soil (Supit et. al.) 0.75
FactorWater Estimated value for surface roughness factor of water surface (Supit et. al.) 0.5
FactorCanopy Estimated value for surface roughness factor of vegetation canopy (Supit et. al.) 1

LISVAP options

LISVAP has several options, which can be set in the settings file’s lfoptions element. Those allow you some flexibility with regard to input and output settings. The table below lists all currently implemented options and their respective defaults.

Table: LISVAP options.

Option Description Default
TemperatureInKelvinFlag Temperature in Kelvin False
readNetcdfStack Input variables as netCDF mapstacks False
useTAvg Use $T_{avg}$ input map. If false, will be computed out of $T_{max}$ and $T_{min}$ False
useTDewMaps Use $T_{dew point}$ input map to compute actual vap pressure ($EAct$). If false, it uses the $EAct$ map False
useWindUVMaps Use $Wind_{U}$ and $Wind_{V}$ input maps to compute $Windspeed$. If false, it uses the $Wind$ map False
splitInput Sets Lisvap to input multiple meteo maps separated by year. False
EFAS Use EFAS setup True
GLOFAS Use GLOFAS setup False
CORDEX1 Use CORDEX setup False
writeNetcdfStack Output variables as netCDF mapstacks False
writeNetcdf Output variables as netCDF maps False
repAvTimeseries Write output TSS False
repE0Maps Write output variable $E_0$ map True
repET0Maps Write output variable $ET_0$ map True
repES0Maps Write output variable $ES_0$ map True
repTAvgMaps Write output variable $T_{avg}$ map True
output6hourly Outputs 4 maps per day corresponding each to 6 hours of evapotranspiration. False
splitOutput Sets Lisvap to output multiple evapotranspiration maps separated by time period. False
monthlyOutput Sets the time period for the splitOutput. Monthly if True or Yearly if False (default). False

These options all act as switches (1= on, 0=off). The panel below shows an example of how to change the default settings by adding/changing the respective option parameter into the settings file. For instance, the EFAS flag has been switched off, while the GLOFAS flag has been switched on.


        <setoption name="readNetcdfStack" choice="1" />
        <setoption name="writeNetcdfStack" choice="1" />
        <setoption name="TemperatureInKelvinFlag" choice="0" />
        <setoption name="repE0Maps" choice="1" />
        <setoption name="repTavgMaps" choice="0" />
        <setoption name="output6hourly" choice="0" />
        <setoption name="splitInput" choice="0" />
        <setoption name="splitOutput" choice="0" />
        <setoption name="monthlyOutput" choice="0" />
        <setoption name="EFAS" choice="0" />
        <setoption name="GLOFAS" choice="1" />
        <setoption name="CORDEX" choice="0" />
        <setoption name="useTDewMaps" choice="1"/>


Note that each option generally requires additional items in the settings file. For instance, using the dew point temperature option (useTDewMaps=1) requires that the corresponding map stack is defined in the settings file and provided as input data in the appropriate folder. The template settings file that is provided with LISVAP always contains file definitions for all implemented options.

  1. Note that EFAS, GLOFAS and CORDEX are mutually-exclusive flags. If all the three flags are true, the EFAS flag has precedence; if both GLOFAS and CORDEX flags are true, the GLOFAS flag has the precedence.