Table: State variables.

Key LISFLOOD file name LISFLOOD variable Unit Description
OFDirectState ofdir OFM3Direct m3 Water volume on catchment surface for direct fraction [m3]
OFOtherState ofoth OFM3Other m3 Water volume on catchment surface for other fraction [m3]
OFForestState offor OFM3Forest m3 Water volume on catchment surface for forest fraction [m3]
ChanCrossSectionState chcro TotalCrossSectionArea m Total cross-section area of channel
DSLRState dslr DSLR[0] day Reported days since last rain
DSLRForestState dslf DSLR[1] day Reported days since last rain for forest
DSLRIrrigationState dsli DSLR[2] day Reported days since last rain irrigation
SnowCoverAState scova SnowCoverS[0] mm Reported snow cover in snow zone A [mm]
SnowCoverBState scovb SnowCoverS[1] mm Reported snow cover in snow zone B [mm]
SnowCoverCState scovc SnowCoverS[2] mm Reported snow cover in snow zone C [mm]
FrostIndexState frost FrostIndex C/day Reported frost index
CumInterceptionState cum CumInterception[0] mm Reported interception storage
CumInterceptionForestState cumf CumInterception[1] mm Reported interception storage for forest
CumInterceptionIrrigationState cumi CumInterception[2] mm Reported interception storage for irrigation
Theta1State tha Theta1a[0] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for top soil layer 1a [V/V]
Theta1ForestState thfa Theta1a[1] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for top soil layer 1a forest fraction [V/V]
Theta1IrrigationState thia Theta1a[2] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for top soil layer 1a irrigation fraction [V/V]
Theta2State thb Theta1b[0] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for soil layer 1b [V/V]
Theta2ForestState thfb Theta1b[1] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for soil layer 1b forest fraction [V/V]
Theta2IrrigationState thib Theta1b[2] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for soil layer 1b irrigation fraction [V/V]
Theta3State thc Theta2[0] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for soil layer 2 [V/V]
Theta3ForestState thfc Theta2[1] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for soil layer 2 forest fraction [V/V]
Theta3IrrigationState thic Theta2[2] - Reported volumetric soil moisture content for soil layer 2 irrigation fraction [V/V]
UZState uz UZ[0] mm Reported storage in upper groundwater zone response box [mm]
UZForestState uzf UZ[1] mm Reported storage in upper groundwater zone response box for forest [mm]
UZIrrigationState uzi UZ[2] mm Reported storage in upper groundwater zone response box for irrigation [mm]
LZState lz LZ mm Reported storage in lower response box [mm]
CumIntSealedState cseal CumInterSealed mm Reported cumulative depressions storage [mm]
DischargeMaps dis ChanQAvg m3/s Reported discharge [cu m/s] (average over the timesteps) (not used for warm start)
ChanQState chanq ChanQ m3/s Reported istantaneous discarge at end of time step
LakeLevelState lakeh LakeLevel m Output map(s) with lake level [m]
LakePrevInflowState lakeprevinq LakeInflowOld m3/s Output map with lake inflow at previous routing sub-step (ChanQ(t-1)) [m3/s]
LakePrevOutflowState lakeprevoutq LakeOutflow m3/s Output map with lake outflow at previous routing sub-step (ChanQ(t-1)) [m3/s]
ReservoirFillState rsfil ReservoirFill - Output map(s) with Reservoir Filling [V/V]
CrossSection2State ch2cr CrossSection2Area m2 Cross section area for split routing [m2]
ChSideState chside Sideflow1Chan m2/s Sideflow to channel for 1st line of routing [m2/s]