Geographic coverage
Countries covered by the different projects. Hovering the mouse on one country, a tooltip shows the number of projects covering it.
Open this graphEnviromental field
The dominant environmental fields tackled by the project activities.
Open this graphLead organization category
Distribution of type of organization represented by the lead project partners.
Open this graphEnvironmental domain vs. environmental field
Joint visual representation of the primary project environmental domain and the primary project environmental field.
Open this graphPolicy aims vs. project category
Joint visual representation of the project policy aims and the project category.
Open this graphPolicy relevance vs. project category
Joint visual representation of the project policy relevance and the project category.
Open this graphSocial uptake vs. lead organization category
Joint visual representation of the project social uptake and the project lead partner category.
Open this graphPolicy aims vs. social uptake
Joint visual representation of the project policy aims and the project social uptake.
Open this graph